When you’re getting on a flight there’s a few things you can do in order to get a better flight – both when you book the tickets, before you get to the airport and with regards to what you bring on board. Here’s my 8 tips for a better flight.

1. Book the seat you prefer
– window, middle or aisle?
Myself, I’m a window. I enjoy being able to look out, see where we are, what’s going on during take-off and landing etc. Also, I try to avoid the toilets as much as possible, so unless I desperately have to go, I’ll stay seated. I also prefer being able to lean on the wall while I try to sleep. If you’ll have to use the bathroom often, or prefer being able to stretch your legs, the aisle might be your preference. My boyfriend, who’s 1.97m tall prefers the aisle, as he can get up and walk, and also have his legs out in the aisle whenever the food cart is not out. To be honest, I don’t really know why anyone would have the middle seat as their favourite, unless you’re extremely sociable or have enormous amounts of FOMO?
2. Wear comfortable clothes while traveling
Don’t wear things that sits uncomfortable, or which you’ll risk feeling too hot or cold while wearing. Dress in layers, and in comfy items. Cozy socks is also nice to wear for longer hauls, if you’re like me and like to remove your shoes, but don’t want your feet to get cold.
3. Remember enough moisture!
The air inside the plane is really dry. For me, it’s a real crisis if I should forget to bring a lip balm on board, and I also prefer bringing a small hand cream and a moisturizer for my face. At least the last one I’ve experienced is a real lifesaver in order to feel a little more fresh if you’re doing a stopover.

4. Bring something to entertain yourself with
Be it a book, a magazine, your own headset (preferable noise cancelling, so that the noise from the plane won’t drown the sound of the movie you’re trying to watch), a pen and paper, knitting, a travel guide to your destination – whatever floats your boat. You’ll be in that seat for a long time, no need to make time feel like it stands still.

5. Make sure to bring something to snack on and something to drink!
A few snacks for the movie on the in flight-entertainment or the book you’re reading, some food in case you’re asleep while food is served (or if you did not order this), and enough to drink will be essential. If you’re planning on having anything containing caffeine and/or alcohol, remember these can make you dehydrated, so get enough water as well.
6. Remember to bring your travel pharmacy
Make sure you have painkillers, and whichever medications you might be dependent on in your hand luggage, and that they’re easily accessible. Being locked in on an airplane with minimal amounts of space is uncomfortable enough even without pain.
7. Invest in a good, comfy travel cushion!
Seriously, do yourself that favour! I used to have one of the cheap ones, you know, the ones filled with rice. Never again! The one I now use you can click on so it stays in place while you sleep, it supports your neck, it’s soft and it even has a pocket you can put your phone or other small items you don’t want to lose while you sleep. An eye mask and a couple of ear plugs might also be worth bringing. (Also check out my blog entry with 18 things I always have in my hand luggage).

8. Make sure you have enough time!
Having to run for your flight, stressing and being anxious about having enough time, then finding yourself sweaty and exhausted on the plane is no good start for your adventure.
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